SC 13D | Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% | Oct 17, 2007 | Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in HTML.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in DOC file.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in PDF file.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in XLS file. |
UPLOAD | Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer | Aug 13, 2007 | Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in HTML.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in PDF file. |
EFFECT | Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness | Aug 9, 2007 | Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in HTML.Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in DOC file.Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in PDF file. |
CORRESP | Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC | Aug 8, 2007 | Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in HTML.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in PDF file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in XLS file. |
CORRESP | Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC | Aug 8, 2007 | Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in HTML.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in PDF file. |
UPLOAD | Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer | Jul 17, 2007 | Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in HTML.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in PDF file. |
CORRESP | Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC | Jul 2, 2007 | Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in HTML.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in PDF file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in XLS file. |
UPLOAD | Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer | Jun 15, 2007 | Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in HTML.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in PDF file. |
CORRESP | Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC | May 11, 2007 | Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in HTML.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in PDF file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in XLS file. |
UPLOAD | Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer | Apr 10, 2007 | Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in HTML.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in PDF file. |
CORRESP | Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC | Feb 14, 2007 | Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in HTML.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in PDF file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in XLS file. |
RW | Withdrawal of registration statement filed under the Securities Act | Feb 14, 2007 | Open Withdrawal of registration statement filed under the Securities Act in HTML.Open Withdrawal of registration statement filed under the Securities Act in DOC file.Open Withdrawal of registration statement filed under the Securities Act in PDF file.Open Withdrawal of registration statement filed under the Securities Act in XLS file. |