SEC Filings

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SC 13DFiling by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5%Oct 17, 2007Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in HTML.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in DOC file.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in PDF file.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in XLS file.
8-KReport of unscheduled material events or corporate eventSep 28, 2007Open Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event in HTML.Open Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event in DOC file.Open Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event in PDF file.Open Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event in XLS file.
8-KReport of unscheduled material events or corporate eventSep 26, 2007Open Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event in HTML.Open Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event in DOC file.Open Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event in PDF file.Open Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event in XLS file.
424B4Form of prospectus disclosing information facts events covered in both forms 424B1 424B3Aug 14, 2007Open Form of prospectus disclosing information facts events covered in both forms 424B1 424B3 in HTML.Open Form of prospectus disclosing information facts events covered in both forms 424B1 424B3 in DOC file.Open Form of prospectus disclosing information facts events covered in both forms 424B1 424B3 in PDF file.Open Form of prospectus disclosing information facts events covered in both forms 424B1 424B3 in XLS file.
UPLOADCorrespondence from the SEC to the FilerAug 13, 2007Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in HTML.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in PDF file.
EFFECTNotice from the SEC of registration effectivenessAug 9, 2007Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in HTML.Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in DOC file.Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in PDF file.
S-4/APre-effective amendment to an S-4 filingAug 9, 2007Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in HTML.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in DOC file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in PDF file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in XLS file.
CORRESPCorrespondence from the Filer to the SECAug 8, 2007Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in HTML.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in PDF file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in XLS file.
CORRESPCorrespondence from the Filer to the SECAug 8, 2007Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in HTML.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in PDF file.
S-4/APre-effective amendment to an S-4 filingAug 8, 2007Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in HTML.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in DOC file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in PDF file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in XLS file.
S-4/APre-effective amendment to an S-4 filingJul 23, 2007Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in HTML.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in DOC file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in PDF file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in XLS file.
S-4/APre-effective amendment to an S-4 filingJul 23, 2007Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in HTML.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in DOC file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in PDF file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in XLS file.
UPLOADCorrespondence from the SEC to the FilerJul 17, 2007Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in HTML.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in PDF file.
8-A12BRegistration of certain classes of securities 12(b) of the Securities Exchange ActJul 17, 2007Open Registration of certain classes of securities 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act in HTML.Open Registration of certain classes of securities 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act in DOC file.Open Registration of certain classes of securities 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act in PDF file.Open Registration of certain classes of securities 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act in XLS file.
CORRESPCorrespondence from the Filer to the SECJul 2, 2007Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in HTML.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in PDF file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in XLS file.
S-4/APre-effective amendment to an S-4 filingJul 2, 2007Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in HTML.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in DOC file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in PDF file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in XLS file.
UPLOADCorrespondence from the SEC to the FilerJun 15, 2007Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in HTML.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in PDF file.
CORRESPCorrespondence from the Filer to the SECMay 11, 2007Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in HTML.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in PDF file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in XLS file.
S-4/APre-effective amendment to an S-4 filingMay 11, 2007Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in HTML.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in DOC file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in PDF file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in XLS file.
UPLOADCorrespondence from the SEC to the FilerApr 10, 2007Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in HTML.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in PDF file.
S-4/APre-effective amendment to an S-4 filingFeb 15, 2007Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in HTML.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in DOC file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in PDF file.Open Pre-effective amendment to an S-4 filing in XLS file.
CORRESPCorrespondence from the Filer to the SECFeb 14, 2007Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in HTML.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in DOC file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in PDF file.Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in XLS file.
S-4POS Post-effective amendment to an S-4EF filingFeb 14, 2007Open POS Post-effective amendment to an S-4EF filing in HTML.Open POS Post-effective amendment to an S-4EF filing in DOC file.Open POS Post-effective amendment to an S-4EF filing in PDF file.Open POS Post-effective amendment to an S-4EF filing in XLS file.
RWWithdrawal of registration statement filed under the Securities ActFeb 14, 2007Open Withdrawal of registration statement filed under the Securities Act in HTML.Open Withdrawal of registration statement filed under the Securities Act in DOC file.Open Withdrawal of registration statement filed under the Securities Act in PDF file.Open Withdrawal of registration statement filed under the Securities Act in XLS file.